Last Friday marked a milestone for the Shanghai Young Father's Association as one of the association's first events was hosted at Aidencare Dental Clinic.
Young fathers all across Shanghai got together to discuss their experiences in Shanghai whilst enjoying complementary White wine & Pizza provided by Aidencare. Topics discussed included the changes that have happened over the last 30 years in China, including the coffee industry, restauranteurs and the current situation of the China market.
One father commented on how he remembered when the first Starbucks came to Shanghai and how he used to rush get the Sunday times (A week later so he already knew the football scores!).
"Dr. Oscar Sum is someone who really gives back to the community and brings everyone together, the event was hosted by him and his clinic Aidencare brought fathers together to share their experiences being a father in Shanghai"
If you are a father and want to join our next event, definitely get in touch with us at Aidencare! SYFA is open to fathers of all ages and our next event will be very soon!
"Dr. Sum would like to thank the Shanghai community and everyone who made it to the event "
Dr. Oscar Sum is a dentist in Shanghai practising in central Shanghai who performs Implant surgery, Orthodontics, and other advanced dental procedures.
Please call 19117386506 or scan the QR code to enquire about an appointment with Dr. Sum